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We are finally in our new home! We still need to get our furniture to really call it home but it will do for now. A bed, a TV and a coffee machine is all you need, right?
Today, I wanted to tell you about the interesting things I have encountered in my past 6 weeks in China. Some of them made me smile, some other tried my patience and others completely got on my nerves.

– Off the charts pollution, it is almost always in the unhealthy range but 2 weeks ago, records were broken with numbers above the hazardous range. For 2 days, we experienced a heavy haze and the surgical masks made the streets look like a giant hospital.

– Tampons are a luxury. Yep, this time of the month again and to my surprise, and after 5 convenience / grocery stores, and a few texts to some of my friends, I realized that it was not common and you had to go to expat’s stores to find some. Now, I know…

– Screen in cabs that tells you to buckle your seat belt, the problem is that most seat belts are tucked in the seats.

– Sidewalks are not only for pedestrians, the same applies to the little green man who tells you it is safe to go across! No, it is not safe… A few scare, and then you develop an acute peripheral vision as well as a very good hearing.

– Things are cheap, not everything but pretty much. For example, a delivery by Ikea will cost you a hefty 60¥ ( 7€ ), a yearly satellite TV subscription 1800¥ ( 200€ ), a can of TsingTao 3.5¥ ( 0.40€ ), I could go on…

– Never expect a delivery to be on time… This one makes me cringe. We have been waiting for our washer since monday and we are now thursday, it is supposed to come today. Stay tuned!

– It sucks to be a size 40 for shoes, yes I blame my parents for this one. I don’t count the many disappointments I had so far. It seems the largest sizes are around 38-39. Unless you go to expensive shoe-makers, that is!

– Knock-offs are everywhere even where you expect it the least, I will certainly write a dozen of posts on this one but you can have your hair done in custom-Vuitton chairs in you feel like it.

20131219-134851.jpgEl Little Monster and I, trying on our masks

That’s it for now!